
I am glad to say that my laptop Aoigheann and I have resolved our disputes.
I am currently working on my uni dissertations and re-learning my Japanese.Nihongo o kikimasu.

It was so warm and muggy earlier followed by a long burst of heavy, plump drops of rain but now its still and all damp and my toes didn't enjoy paddling in dirty puddles, so I'm off to enjoy a cup of tea in today's thrifted treasure.There's something so pleasing and so comforting about a hot cup of tea.Doctors should prescribe tea and all good nurses should dispense it to the poorly and dispirited.

Gosia's soft, edgy work:

"The image was inspired by day to day morning rush to get to school or work. I looked up one day while walking quickly to catch the subway, only to find everyone around me with their heads down, rushing just as I was; ignoring everything else. This piece is a reminder that there is more to life and that we should never forget to stop and feel what's around us."

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