
My throat hurts.My nurse housemate has passed along her sore throat.

Tomorrow I'm off to Ireland to give my mom her birthday presents, to see my great-aunt who's staying with us and to vote no in the second Lisbon referendum.

Pooh bear has a "new" friend.


  1. Thanks for visiting my site! Yours is very pretty.
    You asked me what ever happened to Rose, well, she's coming over often again, and I'll be keeping a goat and a rooster for her while she's out of town next week! She's an interesting lady!

  2. My students all had colds but ironically I was fine, didn't catch it...a sick day would serve me well!! I could use a day OFF to sleep, cuddle up with a book, drink tea...just relax!

    But that is so not happening.

  3. Carla, that's good.I always feel that world would be a dull place without people like Rose.

    Lisa, I didn't get the day off.I was in uni from 11 to 6....


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