
via Morigirl

I was that girl at school, I even had the librarian badge which I wore with pride.Those were the days.


  1. I'm still a library girl!! Woohoo Go books!

  2. Searcher30.3.10

    I was always a bit too wild to be one of the library girl set. They didn't approve!! Love reading though and now I'd give anything to have one of those badges. Have you kept yours Lucy?

  3. Searcher I did indeed keep my badge.I remember the day I got it too.It is crimson with gold writing.

    Mrs.Bridget G thank you for stopping by.Do you work as a Librarian?I've worked as an Assistant Librarian in the past.It was the easiest, cushiest, best paid job I have had yet.I love stamping books and stacking shelves.


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