
I have been kindly been given an award and tagged by Elin to confess 7 things about me, so here goes:

~ I used to have a peacock who was incredibly nosy and vain.He was always trying to sneak into the house; one day he snuck in, saw me, panicked and flew through the window.It just so happened it was the day visitors were due.Thankfully the visitors were Aussies with a good sense of humour.

~ I am not a morning person unless it is one of those early misty summer mornings when the rest of the human world is still sleeping.

~ I am very scatterbrained.This characteristic can be traced back to my Great-Grandfather who passed it along to almost all his female descendants, except my sister and two second cousins.

~ I was a vegetarian for 5 years.For the first 2 years my mom tried to starve me out of it by refusing to buy vegetarian food and by making me cook my own dinners.In the end I gave up because I was constantly ill but I'm still squeamish about meat and eggs.

~ I boarded my last year at school.Boarding schools are indeed interesting places.

~ Since learning Japanese at school I am a geek about all things Japanese.On graduation I intend to renew my Japanese and in the near future head in over for a visit with some Japanese geek friends from my schooldays.

~ I love old historical things and wish everyone still dressed akin to the 1930's.

I tag my followers if they wish to join in.I pass the award onto Lisa.


  1. Hi Lucy, I'm stopping by to say Hi! Life seems to busy to breath sometimes...I have one and half days of school left. I really should get to bed and get some sleep but you know how that goes. I really don't know how the award thingy goes? Just copy and past it to my blog and answer the questions? I've never gotten one!

  2. Yep that's it! Welcome back!


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