
Just when I had finally given up on any more sunny days this year I woke up to azure skies and fluffy white clouds.My family hastily piled into the car off to our boat and onto the river before the sun had the chance to vanish for a sulk behind the clouds (the Irish sun is a fretful, shy creature prone to bouts of moodiness).Drifting down the river Shannon on a boat is without a doubt the best place ever to be on a hot summer's day (yes it's technically autumn but the Irish summer arrives later than most if it arrives at all).We feasted on melon, strawberries, blackberries, apples, baby potatoes, chicken, salad and iced bread rolls, watched the swans paddle by, cracked childish jokes and took it in turns to steer the boat. I'm so glad for such weather. The world seems a better place with a bit of warmt in our damp bones and with some sunlight to lighten the mood.

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