
Womens' crowning glory- hide it or decorate it?

An interesting historical/sociological insight into traditional German headcoverings, found via Lisa

And still on the topic of historical headcovering customs, I chanced across a fascinating excerpt on Irish headcovering.(Well, fascinating for me being Irish.)

Irish women unlike most Europeans, were looked upon as uncouth for amongst other things, for wearing their hair loose down their backs.Even the men wore their long despite long hair been forbidden under English rule.It seems the Irish did eventually adopt a headcovering (see the Irish woman on the left sporting a headcovering) but I suspect was more down to the pressing cultural rules imposed by the English than an observance of 1 Cor 11.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.I Cor 11 spells it out black and white.


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