
Edwardian apron

I had a fancy for an Edwardian style apron, so on Saturday I purchased one and half metres of a crisp white linen and today I made my apron- and here it is.

I used this photo from Eyes of Wonder and this vintage link on a 1909 servant apron as inspiration.I found linen a delight to use.I had no pattern so I just made a simple half apron and then added 2 straps and a bib.It took about 4 hours to make.

Enjoying a video of Hope Singers.


  1. Lucy,
    I love it! It took 4 hours? It would take me 6 months

  2. Thank you legendswife

  3. Lucy! Lovely to find you in cyberspace! I found you in a comment on Penelope Wilcock's blog, which I recently discovered to my great delight. And I'm enjoying your blog too, being a bit of a blog junkie. But my blog-browsing time is severely limited during the week, now that I'm a happy ESL teacher. =) Take care, and bravo on the lovely apron!

  4. Hello Anita!!!

    What a surprise!

    Thanks for popping by at my place.

  5. you are invited to follow my blog


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